Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes.- Tranquility, the preservation of peace and security in Aguascalientes, is the result of the active participation of society and the actions that are deployed to combat crime.
“Our commitment is to guarantee the security of all of us who live in this great state; we will continue working together and firmly to keep Aguascalientes as a place where peace and the rule of law prevail,” said Governor María Teresa Jiménez Esquivel.
At the LXV Plenary Assembly of the Citizen Roundtable for Security and Justice, where the advances and achievements in security matters of the last month were presented, the state leader referred to the important role that the business sector plays in keeping Aguascalientes among the safest states in the country.
For this reason, she made available to them various training workshops given by the State Public Security Secretariat (SSPE), so that they have the knowledge and resources necessary to improve security in their companies and businesses.
He also said that the various actions that are promoted through the Security and Justice Plan “Blindaje Aguascalientes”, as well as the close coordination that exists between the security corporations of the three levels of government – federal, state and municipal – and the active participation of civil society, have made it possible to preserve peace and tranquility in the state.
At the time, Manuel Alonso García, head of the State Public Security Secretariat (SSPE), explained that the training programs offered by the agency under his charge are designed so that both business owners and their employees can learn to identify potential risks, adopt appropriate security protocols and react efficiently to emergency situations.
The meeting was attended by Juan Antonio Martín del Campo, senator of the Republic for Aguascalientes; Nancy Jeanette Gutiérrez Ruvalcaba, local deputy; Jesús Figueroa Ortega, attorney general of the State.
Also, José Francisco Moreno Barrera, commander of the 14th Military Zone; Karla Martorell Moya, president of the Citizen Roundtable for Security and Justice; and Roberto Rangel Peniche, general director of Hecort Tools, among other authorities.

Source: eluniversal