Are you ready for another trip to the past? Second edition of the Retro Bazaar will arrive in Aguascalientes


The Second Edition of Retro Bazaar will be held in Aguascalientes on December 7 and 8 at the Deportivo Ferrocarrilero, from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

This invitation has been extended to society in general, however, it is mainly aimed at lovers of collecting, there will be items from the 70s, 80s and 90s. It is expected that there will be collectibles, antiques, toys, comics, vinyls, among other items.

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Miguel Ángel Lomelí, organizer of Retro Bazaar, said that the objective of the event is for people to go back in time and relive the magic through objects that take them back to a memorable moment of childhood.

He mentioned that during the first edition it was common for visitors to show a multitude of emotions before each of the objects that generated a memory for them.

The nostalgia market is very popular, thanks to the fact that many people asked us to do it again. In the last edition we had around five thousand visitors in two days, we hope that this time there will be more people.

He pointed out that the exhibitors who were present in the last edition came from Mexico City, Leon, Guadalajara, Teocaltiche and for this edition they will join from Puebla, as well as from San Miguel de Allende. “We try to make a family event, pleasant, so that they go and visit it.”

“Not only can collectors go, there they will find pieces that they will like and want to obtain, there will be a gastronomic area of ​​Made in Aguascalientes, because most of the exhibitors are people from outside, it is better that they consume what we have here.”

Finally, it was recalled that the atmosphere is 100 percent family-friendly, the meeting is at the Deportivo Ferrocarrilero, located on Avenida Gomez Morin corner with Alameda, it should be noted that admission is free.

Source: elsoldelcentro


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