Aguascalientes, Mexico (May 22, 2021).- Ulises Reyes Esparza, director of the State Institute of Education (IEA), reported that next Monday, May 24, 120,000 high school and higher education students will return to face-to-face classes.
At a press conference, the state official pointed out that the decision responds to the fact that the state is on a green traffic light, and therefore “the intensive phase of the School Technical Council is activated and each educational institution will make the decision of the days and hours in which they must attend classes. The recommendation is that groups do not exceed 40 percent of the total number of students “.
Likewise, Reyes Esparza pointed out that the IEA will reinforce maintenance operations in all educational establishments in the local territory.
Later, he recalled that last April 100 percent of the educational population was immunized with the application of more than 35,800 vaccines, including teachers, administrative staff, and parents who make up the Participatory Health Councils.
In the same way, he added that from Monday, May 31 to Friday, June 4, a massive sanitation campaign will be held in all state institutions and a dissemination strategy will begin to inform parents about the health protocols that must be carried out before, during and after each educational, social, cultural and sports activity carried out at higher education institutions.

Reyes Esparza explained that one of the essential requirements for primary and secondary students to resume their classes in the classrooms is the delivery of a letter of responsibility from the attendees, which will be signed by the father, mother, or guardian of the minor.
Finally, the official said that this Friday, May 21st, more than 30 thousand teachers of basic education from public and private schools participated in the seventh session of the School Technical Council, in which the issue of socio-emotional education is addressed to diagnose the conditions presented by the students, as well as a panel of specialists who shared strategies for the return to the face-to-face modality.
“We are now in a position to return to classes in all the schools in the state, we just need to comply with the basic protocols such as face mask, hand washing, antibacterial gel, and measuring students’ temperature at all times. The idea is that the groups work gradually and staggered with a suggestion of 40% attendance, but each school will consider which type of action they want to implement”, Ulises Reyes Esparza, director of the State Institute of Education (IEA) concluded.
Source: La Jornada