Two injured owls and one golden eagle rescued in Aguascalientes


The three birds were taken to the Municipal Public Security Directorate in Pabellón de Arteaga, where personnel from the State Attorney for Environmental Protection arrived to give them medical attention, and after a rehabilitation process, release them into their natural habitat.

Aguascalientes, Mexico (MArch 15, 2021).- Two owls and a golden eagle, with injuries to their wings, were rescued this Monday, March 15th, by Public Security agents in rural and urban areas of the municipality of Pabellón de Artega, Aguascalientes (municipio de Pabellón de Artega, Aguascalientes).

During a patrol through the area known as El Milagro, state and municipal officials found an owl lying on the side of the asphalt, so they stopped the car and realized that it had a wing injury that prevented it from flying.

Two injured owls and a golden eagle rescued in Aguascalientes
Photos: Specials

In the community of Las Ánimas, the police officers were approached by residents of the town, who reported that in the garage of a home there was an owl that could not fly, so they went to the building, where they found that the bird had a fracture on a wing.

Later, in the Central Zone, on the ledge of a home, they detected a golden eagle that was trying to fly, but in doing so it fell to the ground, also due to a wing injury.

The three birds were taken to the Municipal Public Safety Directorate in Pabellón de Arteaga, where personnel from the State Attorney for Environmental Protection arrived for them to give them medical attention, and after a rehabilitation process, release them in their natural habitat.

Source: El Universal

Aguascalientes Daily Post


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