85 restaurants in Durango have closed permanently


The number of closings could increase, because many of these have not been able to open because it generates a higher cost to keep them open with restricted hours

Durango  México

Some entrepreneurs in the restaurant industry are waiting for the schedule and pandemic situation to be regularized in order to open their business, since it is not convenient for them to offer the service with such low demand, especially on the January slope, however, it was confirmed that 85 businesses closed permanently.

Durango Mexico

The president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac), Miguel Camacho Herrera, said that during the past week the closure of 70 food businesses was reported, but in this there were added 15 that closed permanently, while others are still waiting for the revival to raise the curtains.

He warned that this month the bad news may continue, as reality will be seen and unfortunately there will be other businesses that will not be able to survive with this economy.

Locales Comerciales en Renta en La Segunda Etapa de Paseo Durango,

However, he is optimistic and trusts that they will be able to survive one or two more months, especially if they work hand in hand with the municipal and state government, so that it continues with the economic openings and that society continues with the health recommendations.

Paseo Durango

He acknowledged that they are in a difficult situation, and do not want to see more closed curtains, places for rent, or take a step back at the red light or cut schedules. For this reason, he invited all businessmen to go ahead and support each other.

On the established schedules according to the latest government determinations already included in the Gazette, they are from Monday to Saturday until 11:00 p.m. with sale of alcohol, and closing at 11:59 p.m. for diners; Sundays with service until 11:59 p.m. and alcohol sales until 5:00 p.m.

Source: elsoldedurango.com.mx

The Durango Post


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