14 municipalities with the presence of snow in Durango; Mazatlan-Durango hwy temporarily closed


According to the state government, five more municipalities registered moderate rains, so the population is asked to follow recommendations and request support from the competent authorities

There are already 14 municipalities in which snow has fallen in Durango, in addition to five municipalities where there were moderate rains, this was announced by the state governor, José Aispuro Torres, when reporting on the recent tours made by the state in this winter season.

He pointed out that the indication for the state coordinator of Civil Protection, Guillermo Pacheco Valenzuela, as well as for the recently appointed Secretary of Public Security Roberto Bravo Ontiveros and the Secretary-General of Government, Héctor Flores Ávalos, to be in coordination with the mayors of these municipalities in order to join forces and support families in vulnerable situations.

Nevadas en Durango dejan sin luz a cuatro comunidades

And it is that the forecast has 54 cold fronts that will affect a significant part of the state from December 30, until the first week of January, hence the State Government will be pending through the State DIF with delivery of winter support. to families living in vulnerable situations.

“We anticipate what might come, so this program not only food, delivery of Christmas bonuses and toys to children, was accompanied by the delivery of blankets,” said Aispuro Torres, who pointed out that there are many more needs, however the state is prepared to attend to the contingency.

Condiciones invernales se presentan los primeros días del año

For this reason, they asked families to be aware of any situation that could generate a large incident, avoid leaving the fires lit, not lighting cookers inside the homes, and any family who is at risk call 911 immediately to attend the emergency competent authorities.

Finally, the state president concluded with a New Year’s message, in which he encourages the people of Durango to receive 2021 with the desire to improve what this 2020 could not be done due to the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We can overcome the effects that the Covid-19 pandemic has left us, first by taking care of ourselves, and we also have the firm hope of having a vaccine that will give you certainty and confidence that we can regain the normality in which we were used to live. I wish you a happy year for all of you, that it is a year that comes with health and a year where there is well-being for you and your families ”.

En Durango, suman doce municipios nevados

Durango-Mazatlán superhighway closed due to snowfall

This action was carried out due to the great risk that it represents for motorists who transit through this area

Due to the considerable thickness of snow, the Durango-Mazatlán Superhighway is closed from Otinapa.

In the Garabitos booth there are personnel from the National Guard, Civil Protection and CAPUFE, in order to provide information to travelers who travel through said street.

Through the social networks of the State Civil Protection Coordination it was announced that from kilometer 92 to 140 the thickness of snow is considerable, therefore it calls on the population to take extreme precautions and avoid driving in these conditions.

La Jornada: Capas de nieve hasta de 80 cm en Durango

It is worth mentioning that the Adjuntas, El Salto, and Coscomate is where the greatest amount of snow has appeared, therefore it is dangerous for the circulation in this Superhighway, which will remain closed until further notice

Source: elsoldedurango.com.mx

The Durango Post


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