Leon, Gto . The governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhué, Rodríguez Vallejo, has tested positive for coronavirus.
“Friends, I want to inform you that I have tested positive for # COVID19, at this moment I am without symptoms and in isolation,” the governor posted on his social networks.
The state president affirmed that he will attend to his responsibilities remotely. “The pandemic continues and we must take care of ourselves to move forward together. #UsaCubrebocas “.
Although Gaunajuato is currently in an epidemiological orange traffic light, it is expected that after Christmas it will turn red.

According to data from the Guanajuato Ministry of Health, they have 77 thousand 707 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 4 thousand 995 deaths, as well as 3 thousand 763 cases under investigation.
According to the state agency, there has been an increase in infections and deaths from coronavirus, so there will be new restrictions on economic activities, particularly non-essential ones.