Over 13 thousand COVID-19 positive cases registered in Aguascalientes


Health authorities of the state of Aguascalientes, officially announced on Monday, December 7th, the figure of 13,009 Covid-19 coronavirus positive cases registered in-state territory.

Through an official announcement, the State Health Services Institute (ISSEA) reported 75 new cases (most of them, young people in their twenties), and nine deaths, in the last 24 hours.

A total of 1,345 people have lost their lives in the state of Aguascalientes due to this disease, the vast majority of them, around the month of June.

Also on Monday, a new increase in the number of patients, serious and very serious, was reported. These patients present symptoms that force them to remain in public hospitals of the state. The ISSEA reports 263 people in intensive care, and 111 in intubation, unconscious and connected to a mechanical respirator that provides them with the necessary oxygen to survive.

According to Information from the System of the Serious Acute Respiratory Infections Network (SARI), the General Hospital of Pabellón de Arteaga reports 100% saturation in hospital beds with ventilator availability; the ISSSTE clinic dawns at 80% occupancy; Hidalgo Hospital, 80%; IMSS HGZ 1, 72%; HGZ 2.69%; HGZ 3.43%; Calvillo General Hospital, 17%; Tercer Milenio Hospital, 12% and the Covid Unit of the XIV Military Zone, 6%.

Source: OEM

Aguascalientes Post


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