The new specialized security unit, called “Group of Attention to Gender Violence, Pink Police”, is made up of 40 elements with training in gender perspective, who in an ethical and professional manner are in charge of detection, care and prevention.

Aguascalientes.- Mayor Teresa Jiménez Esquivel pointed out that the state of Aguascalientes ranks fourth at the national level in the rate of emotional, economic, physical, and sexual violence against women, for which she called to work together against the discrimination and any type of violence.
In a message for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, she highlighted the creation of a specialized Security unit to respond to the calls of attacked women, called “Group for the Attention of Gender Violence, Pink Police.
Jiménez Esquivel said that the “Pink Police” is made up of 40 agents with training in gender perspective, who in an ethical and professional manner are in charge of detection, care, and prevention.

The mayor pointed out that community networks have been formed for the prevention of family and gender violence. Members of these networks are called “Agentes Rosas” (Pink Agents), and the idea is to collaborate in order to create a harmonious and safe environment for all.
Source: El Universal