Currently, in Colima there are a total of 8,694 people with coronavirus since the first positive, according to the latest official data for January 20 .
In addition, the region did not register any new deaths from coronavirus in the last day, so it continues with 845 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.

Mexico does not register new infections due to coronavirus, accumulating 1,668,396 infections since the first positive
The new coronavirus already leaves 1,668,396 cases of contagion in Mexico , with 273,782 of them currently active and 142,832 deaths , according to the latest data for January 20 .
In addition, a total of 1,251,782 people have already recovered since the first contagion occurred in the country.

Most affected places in Mexico
The regions of Mexico that are being most affected by the impact of the coronavirus are:
- Mexico City, with 416,989 infections and 19,789 deaths, the most affected in the country at this time.
- State of Mexico, with 171,125 infections and 21,894 deaths.
- Guanajuato, with 96,588 infections and 6,291 deaths.

- Source: INFOBAE
- The Colima Post