The horses will gallop again and the riders played in October, as the 2020-2021 Polo Season will officially begin in our country after the previous one was not held in Mexico as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Since last March, the polo community went into a mandatory health break and it will be from now on when it will return with everything to the competitions. The first match was in October in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, where fourteen teams will compete for the crown.

The Mexican Polo Federation specified for this occasion eight teams that will compete in the tournament with six goals and another six with two goals by handicap, on the fields of the La Santísima Trinidad y San Polo Club. Lucas, as well as Viñedos San Lucas and Viñedos San Francisco.

The main teams for high handicap (six goals) are: the Valmanera club from Queretaro, made up of Macías De Alba, Rogelio Sada Jr., Juanjo de Alba and Diego Velarda; that of Cuadra Blanca, by Darío López Hurtado, Felipe Corroto Bufo, Miguel Gómez de Parada and Adrián Cuevas; La Pynta-Grupo Costeño, by Gerardo Muñóz, Mauro Hernández Ramos, Toño Madrazo De la Torre and Víctor Setién Valenzuela; Campo Paraíso, by René Blanco, Gerardo Saiden, Chucho Solorzano and TBA; Logística Sai, by Mario Basaldua, Sergio González, Tony Basaldúa and Carlos Basaldua; and La Perla, by Juan Pablo Gallegos, Rodrigo Anaya, Valerio Aguilar and Andrés Aguilar.
While in the low handicap (two goals) will participate: Santísima Trinidad formed by Alberto Reyes, Erik Gallardo, Carlo Gallardo and Luis Pérez Ochoa; Valle Bravo Polo; with Alfonso Rojas, Froylán Caballero, Gustavo Mejía and Santiago Labharte; San Jorge, with Emilio Ayala, Basilio Angulo, Alfonso Ayala and Jorge Suárez; Costeño, with Víctor Setién, Rodrigo Anaya, Juan Pablo Gallegos and Ana Delgado; San Lucas – Cuadra Blanca, with Guillame, David Hassan, Darío López Hurtado and Felipe Corrot; Polo House Prive, as Miguel Gómez de Parada, Mariano Gómez de Parada, Ramón Richard and Diego Aguilar.
