#AMLOTrackingPoll AMLO Approval, January 13 2021


The #AMLOTrackingPoll is a daily statistical exercise on the approval or disapproval of the management of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, carried out by Consulta Mitofsky by Roy Campos for El Economista. According to Campos, it is a digital measurement of the public function.

In the last month of 2020, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador registered an average approval of 56.9%, and 42.8% disapproval.

According to the measurement that Consulta Mitofsky performs monthly for El Economista, with respect to last November, the presidential approval fell 1.5 percentage points.

Also, in December 2019, the Mexican president had 58.7% approval and 41.1% disapproval. During December 2020, López Obrador’s average approval rating was 56.9%, registering last December 12 (with 56.1%) the lowest rating in that month.

Among Mexicans ages 18 to 29, approval was 61 percent. 

#AMLOTrackingPoll AMLO Approval, January 13

Source: eleconomista.com.mx

Mexico Daily Post


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