The “Criminal Stoplight” platform, based on data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), shows that Morelia recorded 45 homicides last November.
Morelia, Michoacán. The violence that is experienced in the capital of Michoacán once again surpassed the historical marks, because this past November Morelia jointly broke two homicide records, reaching the number never before recorded of 45 murders in the city in a single month, In addition to accumulating 310 events of this type so far this year 2020, which was marked not only by the health contingency but also by insecurity.
The “Criminal Stoplight” platform, based on data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), shows that Morelia recorded 45 homicides last November. This is the number ever reached in the Michoacan capital in a single month. The previous mark was 44 cases in February this year, as well as previously 36 in September 2019. These are three records of homicides that mark a deterioration of insecurity in the Michoacan capital in just two years.
The second historical mark of insecurity is the accumulated murders suffered in Morelia. With the 45 events added in the month of November, the city reached a total of 310 homicides in 2020, surpassing the previous limit of 269 events recorded in 2019, in addition to almost tripling the data from periods of greater stability such as the year 2017 in which only 123 events of this type were recorded in the city.
These two new records of insecurity in Morelia were reached even though the events of December were missing to close the figures for the year. Statistics show that the period of social isolation due to the New coronavirus (COVID-19) marked a significant drop in cases between April and June. However, this factor did not play a role in stopping the wave of violence in the municipality, which was even worse than the one experienced in 2019.
Although municipal authorities have argued that the rates of various types of robbery in the city have dropped, the capital of Michoacán this year broke a third record that reflects that it reflected a feeling of insecurity among the population. The National Survey of Urban Public Safety (ENSU), of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) published in April of this year, indicated that in Morelia 85 percent of the “population of 18 years and over considered that living in their city Is insecure”.
Given the situation that Morelia has been presenting in recent years and that has worsened in recent months, the governor of Michoacán, Silvano Aureoles Conejo, accused that the municipal authorities have refused to coordinate actions on this matter, but have additionally shown a lack of interest in solving the problem and it seems that they take up this issue only prior to electoral processes.
We are ready to coordinate, I have been asking the municipal president for two and a half years to homogenize security tasks. It is a bit ridiculous what they say because we have prayed until we are tired and now it turns out that the interest in security has arisen, you have to be serious. But we will always be ready and the state has fundamentally taken charge of the security of Morelia. That they do not want to surprise us now with this type of information in electoral periods, “said the president, referring to a statement by municipal authorities with which they tried to dissociate themselves from the issue of insecurity.

The period of increased violence in the Michoacan capital has also coincided with a phenomenon in which the image of the Morelia Police has been increasingly tainted by public opinion. One of the first signs of police misconduct was the attack on a communicator in 2019, which was followed by the shooting murder of the young “Julín” in 2020.
The murder of the young man from Morelia led to a strong public demonstration that almost managed to suspend the second government report of the municipal authority and led to the temporary removal of commissioner Julisa Suarez Bucio from office. However, the official was reinstated in her post a couple of months later and the cases of police misconduct continued.
Subsequently, the case of a young man and his father who were brutally beaten by an estimated 30 members of the Morelia Police was reported. Before the end of 2020, the case of four agents, presumably from this corporation, who were recorded wearing the uniform and in possession of an official patrol, while having fun at a party shooting into the air, also highlighted.