Pesticides detected in the urine of minors from Poncitlán Lake Chapala


The results were obtained from the analysis of the screening applied this year gradually by the University of Guadalajara and the Jalisco Health Secretariat.

San Pedro Itzicán, localidad del municipio de Poncitlán. (Diana Barajas)
San Pedro Itzicán

In San Pedro Itzicán and Mezcala, communities of Poncitlán, girls, and boys urinate more than 14 pesticide substances. The results were obtained from the screening analysis applied this year gradually by the University of Guadalajara (UdeG) and the Jalisco Health Secretariat (SSJ)

At the beginning of the year, it was expected to study 24 thousand children from Lake Chapala, however, the coronavirus pandemic delayed the work and only covered 10%, per day it was expected to analyze between 250 to 500 children, but only 100 study per week.

“What we have found most are pesticides, not heavy metals. We have not found what is said to be arsenic, lead, what there is are pesticides, there are children who have up to 14 pesticides in urine out of 24 that we detect, and right now we have the possibility of detecting 60 in urine or blood, “said Felipe Lozano Kasten, a researcher at the Department of Public Health of the University Center for Health Sciences (CUCS) at UdeG.

For the academic, the presence of pesticides is a new factor that must be considered when investigating the causes of kidney inflammation that infants of these populations develop and that over time turns into kidney failure since previously only the presence was discussed of heavy metals in your body.

The study carried out revealed that there is also the presence of these substances in their clothes when washed with the water from Lake Chapala. In other words, they live 100 percent with agrochemicals.

In San Pedro Itzicán, 1,629 boys and girls were studied during the first quarter of the year, of which 80 reported values ​​above normal, and only three of them had kidney failure.

San Pedro Itzicán, el pueblo en México que muere de insuficiencia renal |  México | Edición América | Agencia EFE

Two weeks ago the second stage of the screening began in Mezcala and it is expected to accelerate the investigation in early 2021 with between 300 and 500 daily samplings since it is part of the comprehensive strategy Revive the Santiago River and of the response to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which demanded that the Government of Jalisco make significant progress in health for all those affected by the contamination present in the body of water.

Once the sampling has been completed in the Poncitlán communities, which concentrate the largest number of kidney patients, it is planned to start with the population of El Salto and Juanacatlán.


Lake Chapala Post


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