All public, religious, and private events banned in San Miguel de Allende due to Covid-19


San Miguel de Allende (December 7, 2020).- Unanimously, the plenary session of the H. City Council approved the prohibition of public or private posada parties, as well as religious events or festivities of any kind during the month of December, until further notice.

“I earnestly ask the residents of San Miguel to take extreme measures in the next 14 days, abide with the regulations because this is an emergency situation” stated municipal President Luis Alberto Villarreal García.

From what has been approved, those who are in default or in contempt of organizing private parties or meetings at home, based on the General Health Law, will be arrested and will stay in detention for up to 36 hours, because they put other people at risk of contagion violating public health law.

In the ordinary session number 68, the municipal president Luis Alberto Villarreal García requested the inclusion, in the order of the day, the analysis, discussion of the agreement, and as the main priority, to avoid the spread of the virus and deaths from Covid-19-

From March 11 to December 7 a total of 1,162 confirmed cases and 64 deaths have been officially registered in San Miguel de Allende.

San Miguel municipal president Luis Alberto Villarreal García highlighted the great value that the December festivities have for San Miguel residents, therefore, the risk of contagion “is real”.

Source: San Miguel Times

San Miguel Post


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