Mexican companies will help distribute Covid-19 vaccines


The president of the Concamin said that there is a plan to distribute the Covid-19 vaccines due to their proximity to the pharmaceutical industry.

Mexican companies affiliated with the Confederation of Industrial Chambers(Concamin) and the Mexican Business Council (CMN) raise their hands to help the Ministry of Health (SSA) in the delivery, distribution, distribution, and application of Covid-19 vaccines in Mexico.

“There is a plan for the distribution of Covid-19 vaccines because the pharmaceutical industry is with us,” says Francisco Cervantes Díaz, president of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin).

The leader of the industrialists pointed out that the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco Servytur) will also participate in the distribution of Covid-19 vaccines. 

“We always go together,” Francisco Cervantes said, while posing with José Manuel López Campos, president of Concanaco Servytur, for a photograph and they explained that they were happy with the agreements reached with Andrés Manuel López Obrador on the outsourcing issue.

There are pre-purchase agreements for Covid-19 vaccines signed with the English company AstraZeneca-Oxford University, with the Chinese company CanSinoBio, with the American pharmaceutical group Pfizer and the German company CureVac, as well as access to the COVAX vaccine portfolio, especially at that of Moderna, according to the Ministry of Foreign Relations.

The agency in charge of Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon said that a commercial offer for a pre-purchase agreement was also presented to the Ministry of Health and a possible phase III clinical trial of CureVac and SinoVac Biotech is being studied in Mexico.

On November 24, 2020, the Ministry of Health said that it sees conditions to start vaccination against Covid-19 in December 2020, as long as the regulatory bodies certify the effectiveness of the vaccines in several laboratories.

“We strongly wish that in the case of Pfizer and CanSino, which have made the offer that they could have all these conditions in December, that all the important documentation for their safety and efficacy has been submitted on time, that the sanitary registration is obtained. on time and that it can be used immediately ”, Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, 

Ebrard Casaubon said that in five days, the Pfizer-Biotech vaccine can get from the plant to the vaccination points in Mexico.

CanSino is in the process of selecting the company that will carry out the packaging and finishing of the vaccine, as well as it will be sent in bulk to Mexico when they have the permission of the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris), said the foreign minister. .

The AstraZeneca vaccine antigen will be produced in Argentina, and finished and packaged in Mexico by the Liomont laboratory, added the foreign minister.

“I hope we will help with the distribution of vaccines,” said Antonio del Valle Perochena, president of the Mexican Business Council (CMN). 

– Will you help in the distribution and application of Covid-19 vaccines among your employees and in Mexico? , – the businessman was asked when he left the National Palace where he held a meeting with the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Yes of course


Mexico Daily Post


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