Computers run out in Durango


Home office and virtual classes increased the demand for computer equipment, so much so that they have become exhausted in the city and have had to wait for the suppliers to restock

With the confinement due to the pandemic generated by Covid-19, work at home and online classes also arrived, so that the demand for electronic devices, especially laptops and electronic tablets, increased by 50%, the director said. General of Pacs Computación, Diana Ocón Alvarado.

He stated that the pandemic greatly accelerated the use of technology in general, but due to work and school issues, people began to acquire or renew their equipment, especially laptops, tablets, and even desktop computers, on the date of return to classes they presented 30% more sales than last year.

On the issue of shortage problems due to high demand, he indicated that exhausted equipment has been presented, especially in some models, and it is because the pandemic is a problem that is being experienced at an international level, and some components are made in the East, generally in China.

The shortage has been mainly in electronic tablets and some desktop computer components, and to avoid that situation, he said that he always tries to keep them in stock or prevent purchases.

The businesswoman said that sales have been maintained, but on the dates of El Buen Fin, it did not represent higher income than last year, although she did recognize that technological devices are the most sought after in the purchases that people make on that date, compared to other products or services.


The Durango Post


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