Movement of former president Calderón goes as a citizen organization in Mexico


Mexico City, (Nov 21, 2020).- The Mexico Libre political movement, founded by former president Felipe Calderón and his wife Margarita Zavala, reported this Saturday, November 21st, that after the registration as a political party was denied, “the movement will continue as a citizen organization” and assured that it will participate in the 2021 election.

In a statement published on social networks, the organization said that to contribute to the formation of an opposition majority in the Mexican Congress, “Mexico Libre will participate in the 2021 elections with its own candidates or in alliance with other parties.”

In addition, they indicated that they will seek to consolidate themselves as “a citizen organization to participate in all aspects of public life, will formulate criticisms and proposals for solutions to Mexico’s problems, will monitor government action so that it is subordinated to the common good and will work on training civic of its militants and citizens, in authentic school of citizenship “.

Margarita Zavala (Archive)

It was pointed out that the foregoing was the result of the “internal process of deliberation, analysis and proposal that was carried out to determine, in consultation with the affiliates, the route that the organization will follow” once it was “arbitrarily denied registration. “by the National Electoral Institute (INE) and by the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Power,” added México Libre.

On October 15, the Electoral Court of Mexico denied the registration of México Libre, as the new conservative political party that former President Calderón (2006-2012) and his wife wanted to found, to oppose the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

In a long virtual session, the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Power (TEPJF) endorsed the decision taken weeks ago by the INE to deny the registration to the party due to irregularities in its financing.

“Mexico Libre will continue as a citizen organization and as a benchmark for national public life,” he said.

The organization indicated that its executive commission “authorized the leadership to continue dialogues with the various opposition parties with a view to building possible political-electoral alliances” that would allow them to build an effective counterweight to the presidential power in Congress.

As well as to participate in the elections of Governor, local representatives, and municipal presidents in the states where elections will be held in 2021.

“At the same time, it will independently nominate those citizens and activists who, due to their trajectory, ethics, leadership, proposals, and social commitment, share the ideals of the organization and are a reference in their communities,” the statement concluded.

Source: EFE

Mexico Daily Post


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