President Calderon surrendered sovereignty with the Merida Initiative


The extradition of General Cienfuegos is “a historic opportunity” to review the Mérida Initiative, said Brigadier General Francisco Gallardo

The capture of General Cienfuegos by the United States “is not a violation of sovereignty,” as Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard saysFelipe Calderón surrendered sovereignty by signing the Merida Initiative, said Brigadier General Francisco Gallardo.

Gallardo attended the La Octava program ‘ Los Periodistas ‘, with Álvaro Delgado and Alejandro Páez Varela. The drivers interviewed the general who was imprisoned for around 10 years for promoting the creation of an ombudsman for the Army during Carlos Salinas’ administration.

Gallardo considered that the context of the extradition of General Salvador Cienfuegos, former Secretary of National Defense, is “a historic opportunity” to review the Merida Initiative; an agreement that allows Mexico to purchase arms, but also the intervention of the US Army in national affairs.

The Brigadier General indicated that the company “does not know” the “twists and turns” of the initiative, which, moreover, was an agreement “between executives.” He added that they “bypassed the congresses”, specifically the Mexican Senate.

For us, the Mérida Initiative was already without effect: Ebrard

During the morning conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Ebrard affirmed that the Merida Initiative “was without effect.”

“The Mexican government has already expressed on several occasions that this initiative must be redone, ” he said on Wednesday. “For us, the Mérida Initiative was already without effect, for what it does or for what it does to the Government of Mexico, ” he added.

The foreign minister clarified that the current administration has not requested helicopters, weapons, or instruments of any kind from the United States under the Merida Initiative.


Mexico Daily Post


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