Five doctors from Tlaxcala will receive the Miguel Hidalgo decoration medal


Five doctors from Tlaxcala will be awarded the “Miguel Hidalgo” Decoration medal delivered by the government of Mexico to those who, due to their performance in caring for COVID-19 patients, deserve to be recognized at the national level.

They are the doctors, María del Carmen Portillo Portillo, Adán Reygadas Melo, Omar Nahúm Beristaín Zempoalteca, Martin Espino Pluma and Rogelio Minor Cisneros.

María del Carmen Portillo Portillo, is a substitute doctor in the Family Medicine Unit No. 7 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Tlaxcala and in the General Hospital of San Pablo del Monte of the Ministry of Health.

Adán Reygadas Melo, Otorhinolaryngology specialist at the General Hospital of Zone No. 1 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Tlaxcala and in private hospitals.

Omar Nahúm Beristaín Zempoalteca, specialist in Internal Medicine at the General Hospital of Zone No. 1 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Tlaxcala and at the ISSSTE.

Martin Espino Pluma, specialist at the Hospital General de Zona (HGZ) No. 1 of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) in Tlaxcala and in charge of the HIV and Hepatitis C clinic at the IMSS, as well as Professor of the specialty course in Internal Medicine based at the HGZ No. 1 of the IMSS in Tlaxcala.

Rogelio Minor Cisneros, director of the Nativitas General Hospital of the Ministry of Health in Tlaxcala, who led the accreditation of Quality, Safety and Capacity of the Hospital, as well as the certification and recertification of the Clinical Laboratory Service in ISO-9001-2015, achieving the Management Award for the Improvement in Medical Care for diabetic patients and the Pacal Award from the Clinical Laboratory Service.  

The five winners will be in a special ceremony that will take place today at noon at the headquarters of the 23rd Military Zone, with the presence of the Governor of the state of Tlaxcala, Marco Antonio Mena Rodríguez; the Brigadier General, José Joaquín Jiménez Cueto, commander of the 23rd Military Zone; Dr. Rene Lima Morales, Secretary of Health; Dr. José Luis Aranza Aguilar, head of the Tlaxcala Representation Office of the IMSS; CP Julio Cesar Meneses Guerrero, in charge of the State Representation of the ISSSTE and Lic. José Aarón Pérez Carro, head of the Government Secretariat of the government of the state of Tlaxcala.


Tlaxcala Post


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