“Serious and ridiculous diplomatic error that places us as a weak country”: the fierce criticism of AMLO for not recognizing the triumph of Joe Biden


PAN senator Alejandra Reynoso, secretary of the Foreign Relations Commission, assured Infobae Mexico that López Obrador’s decision affects the image of the country before the world and anticipated what the opposition will do to establish bridges with the new administration in the United States.

It has been just 48 hours since the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, refused to congratulate Joe Biden as the elected president of the United States. For this reason, the criticism continues to accumulate against his decision, inside and outside the country.

Senator Alejandra Reynoso, from the PAN (National Action Party), the main parliamentary opposition, spoke with Infobae Mexico on the subject. The secretary of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Upper House did not hold back any question.

“ The position taken by the federal government is ridiculous. Without a doubt it seems to me a great diplomatic error, it is a great institutional error ”, he assured this Monday in a telephone interview. “Unfortunately, it is not that we look bad with our neighbor, worldwide we see ourselves as a very weak country, we do not show character, we do not show institutionalism and respect for the United States, it is very regrettable,” he said.

Biden and AMLO already met once: in 2012, when the first was vice president, the second presidential candidate (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Biden and AMLO already met once: in 2012, when the first was vice president, the second presidential candidate

And it is that López Obrador redoubled his position this Monday at a press conference. “Regarding the elections in the United States, the position of the government that I represent is to wait for the authorities in charge of the electoral process to decide on the winner of the presidency, ” he said. We cannot act recklessly and it is not only a matter of form, it is also of substance.

But for Senator Reynoso, the argument that the authorities must certify the process had never been an impediment to recognizing a victory that even the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, assumed, the other great ally of the United States, the first world leader in talking to Biden.

“I was reviewing and on November 9, 2016, when the result of Donald Trump’s triumph was given four years ago, Mexico did not wait for the Electoral College to ratify the triumph to be able to express its congratulations, and if we leave four years ago We see the same thing, ”he said.

Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister, was the first leader to speak with US President-elect Joe Biden (Photo: Chris Wattie / Reuters)Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister, was the first leader to speak with US President-elect Joe Biden (Photo: Chris Wattie / Reuters)

“It is an institutional way of how the Mexican government has behaved. Too bad about this position, which definitely does not place López Obrador as a leader, as a head of state, and much less at the level that a foreign policy relationship needs that the country deserves, ”he added.

The senator went further. “In 2018, the day after the electoral process in Mexico, congratulations to López Obrador began to be received from world leaders, they did not wait for him to receive a majority certificate, they did not wait for him to assume office”, remembered. Obviously, it is a correct reaction to recognize an electoral result, independently and without a doubt respecting the legal processes of each country, but where there is a recognized result it does seem regrettable to me.

“Trudeau even talked to Biden. The bridges of dialogue, cooperation, and work begin to be built immediately. Meanwhile, in our country López Obrador says that he is going to wait, that is the great difference between who is a head of state and who behaves as a campaign coordinator, ”Reynoso declared.

“Rebuilding Trust”: The Role of the Senate

The Senate is in charge of "analyzing the foreign policy developed by the Federal Executive", in accordance with the Constitution (Photo: Cuartoscuro)The Senate is in charge of “analyzing the foreign policy developed by the Federal Executive”, in accordance with the Constitution (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Against this background, the secretary of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate proposed a “proactive foreign policy.” “This reaction of the president obviously has its consequences, because rebuilding trust always costs more work, ” he said.

For this reason, and noting that in the United States elections last week a part of the House of Representatives and the Senate was also renewed, communication and the establishment of bridges between both countries and between legislative bodies must take place as soon as possible. “We do not have to wait for them to take office so that we can meet, it is not necessary to wait any longer,” he said.

Reynoso even reported that the Secretary of Economy, Graciela Márquez, agreed on this point this Monday with the senators of the Special Monitoring Commission for the Implementation of the USMCA (the new free trade agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada).

The establishment of bridges and communications must begin as soon as possible, Reynoso stressed (Photo: José Luis González / Reuters)The establishment of bridges and communications must begin as soon as possible, Reynoso stressed (Photo: José Luis González / Reuters)

“The sooner this meeting is held, the better, because it is finally starting to build on this parliamentary diplomacy, it helps to reinforce bridges,” the legislator admitted. ” May this also help us to rethink foreign policy given the vacuum left by the head of the Executive, ” he added.

For this reason, Reynoso announced that the Special Monitoring Commission for the Implementation of the USMCA welcomed the proposal to begin to engage in conversation with their US counterparts, always respecting all legal procedures. “May it be an opportunity to relaunch this parliamentary relationship, this bilateral relationship, this diplomacy between parliaments,” he added.

The Biden administration

The protection of "dreamers" proposed by Biden was one of the most important promises on the immigration issue for Reynoso (Photo: Tom Brenner / Reuters)The protection of “dreamers” proposed by Biden was one of the most important promises on the immigration issue for Reynoso (Photo: Tom Brenner / Reuters)

Reynoso knows that, despite Biden’s promises to radically modify US immigration policy with respect to his predecessor Trump, for now, they are just that: promises. “We know that the Democratic Party every four years offers an immigration reform that is not achieved, ” he recalled.

However, among the positions that Biden has raised as a candidate, the PAN senator highlighted the recovery of the program for the protection of the so-called “Dreamers”, young people who came to the United States at a very young age, brought by their migrant relatives, and who they know no other life than that of that country, a policy established in the Obama era that has been reversed by Trump.

“I think that is very positive. In addition, there is the issue of the arms trade, which evidently the illegal arms traffic in Mexico is causing bloody violence. I also add the issue that has to be put on the table now, which is the environment and investment in commitments related to clean energy, “he listed.

“I think there are many issues on the agenda that we would have as a first serve and show the willingness to strengthen that relationship, ” Reynoso concluded.

Source: infobae.com

Mexico Daily Post


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