Price of the dollar/peso today Sunday, November 1; Covid causes fear


The outbreak of coronavirus in several countries of the world has strengthened the dollar against currencies of emerging countries; It has also hit oil prices with double-digit drops in value.

Today Sunday, November 1, the dollar is at $ 21.23 Mexican pesos in the international markets (Forex). Globally, stocks have fallen due to the high concern that exists in the markets about the imminent economic impact of Covid-19. Yesterday, Saturday, the United Kingdom announced the establishment of a total curfew, which will begin on Thursday, November 5, and tentatively end on December 2, depending on the behavior of the pandemic in that country.

The government of England announced that the measure includes the closure of bars and restaurants. The latter may only prepare food for shipments, not for consumption within the establishments. The government announced tax breaks and support for people living in rented apartments or houses. Other countries, such as France and Germany – true engines of Europe’s economy – take similar measures, as does Spain

Added to the uncertainty about Covid-19 is the caution that exists among investors before the presidential elections in the United States, to be held this Tuesday, November 3. Bookmakers, Donald Trump remains below Joe Biden, who also leads in polls. President Trump has been harshly criticized for his administration’s management of the coronavirus, which in the United States has killed more people than any other country in the world.

Regarding the euro, it is priced at $ 24.84 pesos, for $ 27.57 pesos of the British pound in general average. 

Oil prices in real time:

Last Friday, global oil prices registered a double-digit drop. It was the fourth drop in the same week. This is because there is a fear that new lockdowns and travel bans could cause world oil demand to plummet, as happened in the first wave of the pandemic in the first months of the year.


Mexico Daily Post


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